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Taking some liberties with the truth, Christian tells of Weed, a scraggly plant who, as a small seed, floats on a breeze into the middle of a traffic circle and grows there. Though most people ignore the unremarkable Weed as they pass by, a little girl decides to wrap the plant in tinsel. Now very flashy and obvious, Weed becomes a focal point for Toledo, Ohio, citizens to drop off necessities for the needy. These small acts of kindness multiply as people begin to pass out food, sing carols, and notice one another. A storm unfortunately blows the Christmas Weed away, but the memory of the plant helps the people of the city remember “the spirit of giving.” This sweet story is accompanied by lush illustrations by Gortman, who portrays Toledo’s citizens as diverse. The author manages to convey the importance of charity and community without making the tale mawkish or trite. She closes the text with the real story of the Christmas Weed and the hope that the holiday magic will continue.

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THE WEED THAT WOKE CHRISTMAS THE WEED THAT WOKE CHRISTMAS Reviewed by CTS Store on September 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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