Book Cover

Kanella is a lonely stray, distrustful of both dogs and humans as she fends for herself. But when refugees begin to arrive, shivering, tattered, and afraid, Kanella finds new purpose and new companionship. Soon a makeshift camp is built to house the refugees before they embark on the next stage of their perilous journey. Kanella slowly grows accustomed to the camp community, befriending a worker who offers her water, food, and warmth. Most of the new strangers leave within a few days, but one little boy does not. His parents are missing. Like Kanella, he, too, is alone. The two share food and become playmates, and when the boy has nightmares, Kanella comforts him, snuggling close to him throughout the night. When officials visit for inspections, the futures of both Kanella and the little boy are called into question. An afterword both provides historical context and reveals that the story is based in fact. The simple, third-person, past-tense narration is tightly focused on Kanella’s perceptions and experiences, a strategy that drives home for young middle graders how far kindness and compassion can go in making newcomers feel welcome.

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THE STRAY AND THE STRANGERS THE STRAY AND THE STRANGERS Reviewed by CTS Store on September 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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