Book Cover

First published in 2019 in Belgium and the Netherlands as Mauro de ruimtereiziger. Op zoek naar een nieuwe planeet, this simple allegory describes a visit to a beautiful garden planet. The extraterrestrials Mara meets there (tiny lizards who, curiously, morph so that they resemble her two-legged shape) tell her their concerns. The Sun King’s love is burning the garden into desert. “The garden NEEDS me!” the Sun King shouts at Mara when she goes to deliver her alien friends’ request that he look away. Happily, she escapes to an underwater realm where water creatures create a “wondrous wave” that sweeps over the desert, forcing the Sun King to back off. Mara is grateful; the aliens are grateful; and Mara sets off for home in her imagined space ship. Plans for constructing a ship as well as sketches of her alien friends are included as an afterword. In Leysen’s pastel images, Mara and all the creatures on the world she visits have wide, manga eyes. The text has been smoothly translated by the publisher. Sadly, a distracting mixture of pedestrian typefaces, both serif and sans-serif, mars the presentation. Young readers who might appreciate the voyage will be put off by the tiny print that carries much of the narrative.

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MARA THE SPACE TRAVELER MARA THE SPACE TRAVELER Reviewed by CTS Store on June 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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