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Daddies can act like babies or animals, can be too big or too rough, can be distracted or forgetful, and so on. As the child runs through this list, readers see a rhino family composed of mother, father, the preschool-age narrator, and a baby. This daddy, though he goes on the occasional business trip, is the very paragon of a present dad, playing with his children with evident glee. He gives horsey rides, takes the family to the zoo and on other outings, splashes in an inflatable backyard pool, and flings his children in the air to everybody’s obvious delight. For all this rhino dad’s focus on his children, van Genechten still reinforces the stereotype of the mother as primary caregiver in a scene in which the dad comes home from the market with everything except diapers. This Belgian/Dutch import also includes several scenes of playacting as American Indians, with a toy tepee in the background and feathered headbands for both father and child, the latter of whom also wears a faux buckskin dress and carries a bow and arrow in two double-page spreads. Haphazard continuity will have children wondering whether these depicted events all take place on one day or over several, a confusion not mitigated by an overall blandness in tone and palette.

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SOMETIMES DADDIES ARE... SOMETIMES DADDIES ARE... Reviewed by CTS Store on May 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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