After her father’s death in 2012, learning and development consultant Persiani found writing to be a calming, centering salve amid her sorrow. With emotional clarity and honesty, she recalls the time when her father’s need for round-the-clock care redirected the course of her life. Her family responsibilities mounted after she and husband, Tony, had a daughter, Summer, and relocated to a town farther west, in central Massachusetts, where they raised her while sharing caregiving duties for the author’s parents. A mix of uncertainty, guilt, devotion, and panic often boiled over as the author struggled to maintain control of the many aspects of her frenetic family and work life, particularly after her mother died and her father tried live on his own in the home that the couple had shared. Persiani and her siblings coordinated matters as his health deteriorated, but the whirlwind of doctors and decisions took its toll. In this book childhood memories combine with family histories to create a moving tapestry of a loving family fiercely dedicated to the well-being of a member, even when things are seemingly at their worst. Persiani realized she’d become part of the “sandwich generation,” which comprises adults who juggle childrearing and parental caregiving—a daunting balancing act that she warns is not for the faint of heart. Unfortunately, she embraced the multifaceted role of “card-carrying member of the Superwoman Club” too literally and faced “anemia, chronic stress, and fatigue.” The author translates what she learned during that scattered period into sage advice and guidance for readers facing a similar scenario. “We know that hands-on care is messy,” she admits, “and reveals not only our loved ones’ humanity but ours as well.” Persiani’s Lutheran faith was a source of strength that helped her meet her many responsibilities, especially during the more emotionally demanding times. Readers navigating a similar “onslaught of family responsibility” may feel less alone after reading this book—and have a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t.
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